At Foundation PlusOne we’re promoting initiatives to serve the children who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to support the lives of the future. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of the future.
School Book bags
School Supplies - supplies are purchased from the school provided list and each student gets exactly what their grade and teacher require)
School Supplies for students' teachers
Field trips stipend to Cover the Cost of the Trip
Class Pictures Stipend to Cover the Cost
Individual School Pictures Stipend to Cover the Cost
Yearbooks Stipend to Purchase
Birthday Celebrations (Bakery Purchased Cake or Cupcakes provided on the student's birthday delivered to the school)
Classroom Celebrations - students receive Valentine's day cards to fill out for their classmates, costumes have been provided for feast (students dressed up as their favorite character instead of a Halloween costume.
Book Fair Stipends to Make Purchases
School Instruments
School Uniforms***Special Cases***
Care Packages: Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, body wash and hair detangler brushes
Winter Items: Coats, Gloves, Socks,
Healthy Snacks
Before and After School Activities
Graduation Assistance